🚀 MARK YOUR CALENDAR: SHAUN (@shaunthehuman) takes over Colosseum Jakarta on FRI 24 NOV! Sensational Korean talent, Kim Yun-ho, the man behind the beats, began his journey as the keyboardist for The Koxx in 2010. In 2018, his solo track "Way Back Home" dominated the charts.
Let's dance the night away!
⇢ RSVP: ☎ 0822 7000 1001 / 🌐 http://colosseum.id
#ColosseumJKT #ShaunTheHuman
Jl. Kunir No.7, RW.7, Pinangsia, Kec. Taman Sari, Kota Jakarta Barat, Daerah Khusus Ibukota Jakarta 11110